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QA Incoming Inspections & AIT Support (f/m/d) für Luftfahrt
Berufsfeld: G Alle Bereiche, T Alle Bereiche (Transport & Verkehr / Schienenverkehr)




Startdatum:Frühestmöglich bzw. nach Absprache

Zu Ihren zukünftigen Aufgaben gehören:
  • Perform defined quality inspection tasks for products and services covering key and mandatory inspection points. This includes incoming inspection, inspection of all operations during manufacturing, assembly, integration, test, maintenance, repair and overhaul, and final conformance inspection prior to delivery using traditional and new methods (e.g. virtual & augmented reality)
  • For software, this would correspond to inspection of coding and integration
  • During the inspection tasks the jobholder will identify all deviations and attest the conformity of the product/service to the design or by using an inspection checklist/plan
  • In case of deviations he/she will carry out investigations into any quality issues, e.g. at shop floor level or software production, propose containment actions, manage and/or support the search for root causes and propose corrective and preventive actions as well as improvements
  • The jobholder will also verify that the industrial environment, facilities, hardware, jigs & tools correspond to the operational & safety requirements
  • He/she will also guide and advise operators to take into account quality aspects to avoid any future issues, e.g. shop floor operators and software programmers etc.

Wir wünschen uns:
  • Ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Luft- und Raumfahrt, Maschinenbau oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation
  • Erfahrung in Luft- und Raumfahrt, Qualitäts-Inspektion, Cleanroom-Working ISO5
  • Erfahrung in optischen und mechanischen Inspektionen
  • Gegebenenfalls Erfahrung bei Airbus
  • Gute Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeiten
  • Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, Tools: MS-Office, SAP

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Kathrin Wagner

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