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Global Procurement Process Manager (m/w/d) für Luftfahrt
Berufsfeld: E Luft- & Raumfahrt, E Anlagen, E Maschinen, E Techniker, L Engineering, E Fertigungs- und Produktionsingenieur, L Alle Bereiche (Luft- & Raumfahrt) , E Alle Bereiche (Ing.), E QA/QS, E Elektrotechnik, E Mechatronik, E Fertigung, L Fertigung, L Elektrotechnik, L Mechatronik, L QA/QS, E Quality Engineer, L Quality Engineer, L Fertigungs- und Produktionsingenieur




Startdatum:Frühestmöglich bzw. nach Absprache

Zu Ihren zukünftigen Aufgaben gehören:
  • Support on various governance documentation creation, updates and maintenance activities within the Policies and Organisational Documentation team, with its mission to harmonize, simplify, improve and create state of the art and best in class governance documentation for Airbus Procurement
  • Independently drive the update of the Procurement Organization Manual: reflecting the Procurement organizations of Airbus Commercial, Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus Helicopters
  • Support internal and external audits where relevant
  • Maintenance and update of procedural methods/directives according to stakeholder needs
  • Organize, lead and facilitate workshops to identify requirements and ensure the respective flow down into directives, methods and processes
  • Contribute to Airbus wide initiatives on digitalisation as well as the development of new standards, tools and application, e.g. One BMS and support with pilot studies
  • Support divisional standards and contribute to divisional requirements
  • Exchange with Field of Requirement Owner (PSP) on allocations and implementation of such requirements
  • Liaise with Field of Requirements (FoR) Owners, Directive Owners, Process Owners, Delegates and PQM’s in order to ensure that business requirements are flown down to the relevant Procurement business processes
  • Contribution to and validation of Policies & Org documentation training and awareness materials in liaison with Procurement Academy
  • Support internal and external audits where relevant

Wir wünschen uns:
  • Studium in Betriebswirtschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Logistik oder vergleichbare Qualifikation
  • Erfahrung im Einkauf, Logisitk, Projekt- und Qualitätsmanagement
  • Gute Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Verhandlungssichere Englischkenntnisse, Tools: MS-Office, ARIS

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Kathrin Wagner

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