
Weitersagen | Empfehlen

Principal Product Designer (m/f/d), 3 days remote possible
Berufsfeld: M Marketingunterstützung, M Alle Bereiche (Marketing), M Marktforschung


Arbeitsort:Nürnberg, Berlin oder London


Startdatum:Frühestmöglich bzw. nach Absprache

Zu Ihren zukünftigen Aufgaben gehören:
  • Disseminate design thinking and design across the product org and beyond – act as an advocate for client-centred design 

  • Raise profile of design team and strategic value of work through communication, presentations of outputs and engagement in org activity 

  • Support the development of product roadmaps within the scope of responsibility to ensure that they meet customer needs and move producte metrics 

  • Production line management of a small group of designers – ensuring high-quality output and continuous personal and professional development
  • Oversee product design, within area of responsibility, from research to design to engineering hand over
  • Tracking and submitting progress reports at key organizational meetings, spotting and highlighting issues or 
blockers in a timely manner

Wir wünschen uns:
  • Demonstrated leadership expertise in the creation, design, and implementation of a large-scale commercial design system 

  • Experience with Figma at an advanced level 

  • To ensure that all users can enjoy our product, we have experience designing for accessibility and usability
  • Exceptional attention to detail
  • Ability to communicate with programmers and speak their language
  • A natural collaborator who can collaborate with designers and developers to fully comprehend intricate specifications

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Kathrin Wagner

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